Citylight Council Bluffs is more than just a place that we gather on Sunday mornings. It's also a family of people doing life together. It's where we go to get deeper in our relationship with Jesus, and take new steps in our faith. Citylight Council Bluffs is a place that we hope you will call "home". If you're interested in how Citylight Council Bluffs can get you more connected, check out our links below.
There are all kinds of different memberships in our culture. Sometimes membership means a free burrito after you buy ten or free 2-day shipping if you pay an annual fee. But in Jesus’ church, we believe membership flows out of relationship. Citylight Council Bluffs Church isn’t an organization to affiliate with, but a family to belong to! Learn More
Our church exists to multiply disciples and churches with Jesus! And Jesus Himself told us to “go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit….” Baptism is part of our mission. It’s a big part of who we are and what we do! Jesus was baptized Himself, and the Bible repeatedly tells followers of Jesus to be baptized. It’s a privilege and a command. Learn More
Building Reservations
Our church building is a gift from God and hundreds of generous donors. Therefore, we want to share it with our church members, neighbors, and city! Learn More