Jesus said He came to serve and not be served (Matthew 20:28).
As we multiply disciples of Jesus we celebrate serving others! What an amazing way to reflect on Jesus! As a church family, there are many Serving Teams to join, including the following:

These teams are always growing! Volunteers can serve once or twice per month and always in teams. Application process and background check required.

Dozens of teenagers meet each week to eat together, worship Jesus and connect in small groups. If you have the heart to see teenagers growing as disciples of Jesus, we’d love to talk. Volunteers serve each week and are always in teams. Application process and background check required.

Serve our church by saying hi, holding the door, and welcoming people with a smile! Volunteers serve once or twice per month and with a team.

A great way to meet people while practically serving. This team facilitates coffee and donuts each week. Volunteers serve once or twice per month and in teams.

For those who are focused and have basic experience with computer programs! This is a great team to join for those who want to serve behind the scenes. Volunteers serve once per month for both gatherings, usually from about 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM.

We’re thankful for a group of servants who count it a joy to serve by watching and protecting. Volunteers serve once or twice per month and in teams. Background check required.

A great way to serve if you have experience mixing and running sound and are willing to learn from our current leaders. Volunteers serve twice per month for both gatherings, from about 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM.

Each Sunday our church is led by Jesus-loving servants to worship Jesus together. Whether you sing or play an instrument, we’d be glad to talk and hear more of your heart. Volunteers serve occasionally based on need and availability. Application process required.